Monday, June 3, 2013

Quick Confession

The last two weeks have been hectic.  I guess I've been stressed because I feel like I really need to find a good job.  Summer is in a week, and I need to start applying right now.  However, I've been really unmotivated, and so I've been using my time doing other things.  I've been going to the gym as often as I can to avoid having any down time at home.  I've been meeting up with life group members.  I'm going on a mission trip in the first week of July, and I've been focusing on that, too.  I'm also in a pretty bad health condition right now, and I feel like I'm using that as an excuse to not get anything done.

But what's worse is that on top of all that, I've been neglecting to read the Bible and just spend some time in the Lord.  Just through this Sunday's sermon, talks in the mission group meeting, and talks with life group members, I feel like God is telling me to bring my focus back on Him, and that way everything will be solved.

So here I am, laying down my worries again, laying down my sins, and asking Him to take me back into His peaceful arms.

Please give me the strength and courage to keep going, and the motivation and determination to start on my career.

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