Monday, July 22, 2013

EM Retreat

So we're renting a house at Bodega Bay and we're going to stay there over the next weekend.  I originally wasn't going to go because of commitments I already have over the weekends.  I have the college accountability group, and I have work on Saturdays.  It makes my day so packed that I crash as soon as I get home and not wake up until it's time for church on Sunday.  It also costs me $50 to go and another $50 because of the Saturday job I won't be doing.  But just in case, I asked my friend if he wanted to go.  He's an atheist, so I was sure he wouldn't want to go.  I do talk to him sometimes about the Bible and the things that I learn, but for some reason I felt like the conversation I would have would be futile.  This is what I thought would go in my head:

Me:  So...  my church group is having a retreat next weekend.  Would you like to go?
A:  No.
Me:  Well it's not gonna be all crazy Bible-y all the time.  We're going to Bodega Bay and we're gonna have fun.
A:  You know I don't like those kind of things.  No.  I don't want to have anything to do with your church.
Me:  Awww...  but it's going to be fun!  There might be barbeque, going to the beach...
A:  I said no.
Me:  Aw.  Fine.

The reason why I thought that was because he didn't really enjoy going to Sunday services and joining my life groups and whatnot.  I mean, he did come every once in a while, but often he would try not to go.  And honestly, I would have felt a little relieved if he said 'no' because it would mean I wouldn't have to go and spend all that money.  So imagine my surprise when this conversation happened:  (not exact conversation)

Me:  So...  my church group is having a retreat next weekend.  Would you like to go?
A:  What's it gonna be like?
Me:  Oh, right.  You don't really know what a retreat is.  Well, for the high school retreats, which are the ones I've been to, there's tons of activities and stuff and there's worship every morning and night and the schedule's really packed, but for the EM retreat it's gonna be a lot more lax.  It's mostly just hanging out with the church family and getting to know them better.  It's gonna be fun.  There might be barbeque and going to the beach and whatnot.
A:  Ummm...  Maybe.  I mean, you know what I do and don't like, so you wouldn't be recommending me to go if you knew I would hate it, right?
Me:  Yeah!  Well it's gonna be next weekend.  And there's actually a $40 fee but I'll pay for that if you actually go.
A:  We'll see.  I have to ask my mom for permission first, but if I can make it, I'll let you know.
Me:  Yay!

So yeah.  A couple days later he let me know that he would be able to make it.  So I paid the total of a $90 fee, and then there's the $50 I won't be making from my Saturday job, which amounts to a full sum of $140 I'm giving up to hopefully bring my friend to Christ.

I'm actually pretty excited.  And kinda nervous.  Well, I pray that all goes well.  And before he actually let me know whether or not he was coming, I spent days praying for him.  I'm glad it all turned out well.

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