Monday, July 8, 2013

Yet Another Weird Dream

Last week was the mission trip to Mexico.  It went very well and was a very good experience.  However, more on that later.

Sunday night I had a very weird dream.  Here's how it goes:

An older man (possibly a father figure), a friend of mine, and a baby (also a friend of mine, although possibly not related to me) and I were together.  Organ transplants were a very common thing the wealthy did.  In Dollhouse, people change personalities by getting their brains wiped.  But in my dream, people change personalities by getting their organs transplanted.  Basically, the rich found a way to kidnap someone and put their organs into the new person's body in order to continue living on in a new form.  All of us got kidnapped.  I managed to escape, and tried to free the others.  But it was too late.  My friend and the baby were already other people.  The father figure wasn't yet turned into someone else but they were doing a new experiment on him.  A very old rich guy had Alzheimer's and wouldn't live for much longer.  They had to do a risky, new procedure, or he'd die.  Brain transplants had never been successfully done before, but if the old man didn't do it now, it would be too late.  So the scientists cloned a new brain from the old man and grew it in a cloned version of the father figure's head.  It was practically sorcery.  It happened in a matter of minutes in a bubbling cauldron.  Then the father figure was decapitated and the new head placed on him.  They weren't sure whether or not it would work, but after a while, the new head settled in perfectly.  The father figure was immediately transformed into the character of the old man.  My friend and the baby saw me and rushed towards me.  The baby had been completely transformed, but my friend had some time left.  She wanted to save the baby and I pretended to show them how to escape.  I new, however, there was no chance of saving her, and it would be better off that she died rather than be trapped in someone else's mind.  So I took the opportunity to send them against a wall that was collapsing on us.  It was after I watched them die that I had realized I had killed my two best friends, and they, especially the girl, didn't know why.

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