Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Proverbs 4:18

So today at work, there is a district-wide MUNIS training going on, which means that nearly all of the clerical staff, including the entirety of the front office, is out today.  For me, that means that I get to take over all the phones and take messages for everybody.  It also means that I can't do my work in my room, so I have quite a bit of down time.

During the down time I have, which is surprisingly not that much because the phones keep ringing, I've decided to read the Bible.  I haven't been reading in weeks, and I feel like I really need to spend more time just being with God and in His Word.

So while I was reading I came across Proverbs 4:18

"The road and the righteous travel is like the sunrise, getting brighter and brighter until daylight has come." (GNT)

"The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." (NIV)

I feel like this passage really describes what it is like when living a healthy, Christian life.  We start off not knowing much.  Knowing as in wisdom and insight given by God, not the typical school education you can get from anywhere.  So we start off with not much.  but we know and feel the love of God and His amazing grace.  That love that guides us is very bright compared to the state you were in before.  But as your walk with Him continues, He lights your path more and more.  He reveals to you more of who He is.  His love for you feels ever expanding.  He gives you so much patience, love, and wisdom, only to know that there's always more.

I don't want this walk with Jesus to ever end.  I love being surrounded by Him and His people.

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