Friday, May 3, 2013

Suicide Letter

My sister and I were talking about how so many kids at school commit suicide, and how common it's become to the kids who witness it that they are no longer affected by the deaths of those around them.

This actually made me remember something:

When I packed to move to Davis for college, I went through all the papers hidden in the corners of my room and whatnot. I found an envelope addressed to two of my best friends from elementary school. I remembered making the envelope but I didn't remember what the contents of the letter was. I open it, and it was a suicide letter that I had written in 7th grade. I don't really remember what I did with it after I found it, but I don't have it anymore.

Suicide is something that I've struggled with for a very long time. It was finally in November of 2012 when suicide was no longer my go-to solution. When my dad kicked me, and I felt that I needed to escape, the first thing that came to my mind was my life group and how they could protect me. It wasn't a plan on how I can cut myself so I can lose a lot of blood in a short amount of time, or where the tallest building was so I could jump off it, or if I could find a beam steady enough to hold my weight as I hung myself.

Thank you people from my life group. Through you, God has saved me. Thank you for saving my life.

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