Friday, March 15, 2013


My brain isn't working very well today.  Yesterday I ended up sleeping at 2 in the morning.  I went to my life group meeting yesterday, and time passed by so quickly by the time we were ready to leave it was already 1 am.

I think I spent a couple hours just talking to a friend about the human brain, and how much I would love to spend the rest of my life studying the beautiful complexity of God's greatest creation.

I like studying how the brain works.  What parts make what work.

There was a lot more I was going to say on this subject.  I know there was a lot more because apparently last night I spent hours talking about it.  But I'm tired.

God is cool.

Early morning prayer tomorrow, so not much sleep tonight, either.

I actually fell asleep at work earlier today.  I was passed out on my chair for a solid hour.  Thank goodness no one came in to my room during that time.

I also need to buy cereal.  I have Safeway coupons for $1.50 off on my choice of up to three General Mills cereal.  Guess what I'll be eating all next week.

These past two weeks were very amazing.  I didn't have to buy groceries for a couple weeks because I was being fed.  I was getting food from church, food from work, and food from friends.  Earlier this week a good friend of mine stopped by to give me food that lasted me until yesterday.  Yesterday, food was provided at work.  It's crazy how well God takes care of me and how much he cares, even about the little details such as meals everyday.  So anyways, I had bought groceries about a month ago, and because of all the food God was providing me, they were going bad.  So I stir fried everything that wasn't too old together with rice to make fried rice, and gave it to the life group.  God is awesome.

So yeah, it ties in with the cereal thing, kind of, because there's absolutely nothing in my fridge and I think I should have something to eat in case no one comes by with buckets of food next week.

Helen Keller was both blind and deaf, so was she able to understand the concept of 2 + 2 = 4 just by touch?

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