Thursday, October 31, 2013

Break from Media

I'm going to take a break from certain media.  No games on iphone, no games on computer, no electronic-related games.  No TV shows, dramas, youtube videos, movies.  No facebook and no 9gag.  Anything related to emailing, texting, and school-related work is fine.  Only facebook exception is messenger and to post answers to the RY Teacher page.

This is to go from 11/4/13 (Monday) to 11/27/13 (Wednesday), so 24 days total.

...  I'll probably spend the first week going through some severe withdrawal symptoms.  I heard a lot physical activity makes it easy to get through it.


I got a new hair straightener.  There's a mode I can turn on to make the hair straightener vibrate when I use it.  It works a lot better with it on, and my hair actually gets straighter and less poofy.  I think it's because it un-clumps my hair as it straightens it out, and distributes the heat better.  Anyways, the reason I got the new hair straightener was because my old one has been smoking everytime I use it for about two months now.  First it was just smoking on its own, but recently it started to burn the ceramic part off revealing the metal underneath, slightly melting it to the point where the flat part is no longer flat, and stinking as if it was ready to explode.  Yeah...  it was time for a new one.  Too bad the warranty ran out a year ago.


Wow I lied.  A lot.  I lasted about two days.

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