Starting September, I'm going to be tutoring for AJ Tutoring in Menlo Park. I've already started attending their meetings and whatnot.
.... is what I had written over a year and a half ago. I started working for them, and then I got busy really quickly. Busy with moving, busy with work, busy with life... very busy. I had started these blogs to keep up on my life and also to spend the time. I had so many things to say about how amazing my life was, but was too busy to write anything down. So here's a big blurb on how I've been doing in the past year and a half.
When I first started with AJ, everything seemed great. I was moving on with my life. I moved to a new apartment, I got a new job, something really fun that didn't feel like work, and I felt as if this was the next step to my life. Which was true. I really did like everything that was going on.
There were two things that seemed great at first but wasn't so great later: I had moved so far away that I left my old church and had to find a new one. Also the apartment... was terrible. I never want to live there again. Ever. It was awful. When we first moved in, everything seemed clean and neat. Apparently they hire a cleaning crew once a year during the moving season to make the apartment look great which only lasted a couple weeks. Every time it rained, the sewage would overflow, and it would leak directly into our bathroom and kitchen, and the hallways outside. Then there was the problem of cockroaches. The ENTIRE apartment complex had a huge cockroach infestation. It was disgusting. Unfortunately by the time we noticed that the apartment complex was a terrible place to live, we were several months into our lease and we couldn't break it.
I also had a very difficult time finding a good church. I feel like a good church has to have a lot of things going for it. It needs to have a good pastor, good members, and good fellowship. Good here is quite arbitrary. When I think 'good,' I think of someone that has a decent sense of morals that match up with mine, godly, friendly, warm, inviting, and especially caring for others around them. I hadn't been able to find a good church until just several weeks ago. So the past year and a half was
And that part that I had written above was two weeks ago. Which means that I had time to hang out with the people at the church and get to know them better... not really.
I tutor a lot on Sundays, Sundays are usually the most requested day of the week. I have to make sure not to schedule anyone during the afternoon during service so I can go but then I need to go to tutoring right after. But that's not that bad, I like having an excuse to leave. I'm not very comfortable in group settings. But there are also a lot of new people. Apparently I wasn't the only new person to join. There were probably about 5 or 6 other newcomers, and when a quarter of the entire group are people who are new, it's hard to get a friendly conversation going. Especially if I don't know who I'm talking to. Then there's the case of lunch. The church stopped serving lunch for this year. Just snack foods and donuts. So if I want some real food before I go back to work, I have to leave early. Then there's Bible study. The church used to have Bible studies every week, alternating between Thursdays and Fridays so that everyone could get a chance to go. But for some reason, now that there's a huge influx of new people, they thought that reducing the number of Bible studies to every other week would be a great idea. And only on Thursdays. Which means that I can't go because Fridays are my only day off. Then the last two weeks, they have a church-wide vote on who would be elected for certain positions in the church, which meant that right after the worship service, the people who have been members of the church for a while would stay behind for an hour in the sanctuary to vote while everyone else would leave. So basically the entire past month I've started attending this church I haven't had much of an opportunity to get to know anyone.
It's been a couple months since then. I'm going to stop this post and maybe (but most likely not) come back to this. On to new things.
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