Monday, November 18, 2013

Question of the Day 3

Question taken from

Although societal pressures do play a role, does atheism manifest itself mostly due to an inborn lack of religious "sense" rather than hearing the logical arguments against God or a life force?

I don't believe any religion (and atheism) comes from a logical standpoint.  Your beliefs, especially those without proof, come from the matters of the heart.  But to answer the question, I think that the reason many people choose atheism is for the power and control, especially the power and control over your own life.  Many religions, including Christianity, is to submit yourself under a higher authority.  Yet with atheism, there is no concept of a higher authority, therefore deeming yourself as the highest authority.  It's the unwillingness to submit, to let go of the control you have over your life.

Then comes the argument that religious people like to be ignorant, or that they prefer to be led around like sheep.  To be frank, I not either.  It's difficult as a Christian to give up my control over my life.  I like being in charge of everything, I like controlling the events around me.  I'm not a Christian because I don't like being in control, but I give up control because I know God is real.

One thing I dislike about the culture that we live in, is that everything needs to be justified with 'scientific proof' that allures to the five senses.  That's why things such as optical illusions are so popular because it questions your ability to trust the five senses.  Today's culture, so wrapped up in the 'trust only what you see' idea, ignores the matters of the heart.  There are things that you just know because you feel it inside your heart, not because you've seen evidence.  That is what faith is.  And faith is the foundation of any belief.

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